City of Red Deer
Victim Services
Robbery Prevention, Awareness and Coping Strategies
What Is Robbery
When you take or attempt to take something of value, either by force or through threats of force, from the care, custody, or control of another person, this is called a robbery.
Armed robbery indicates the use of a weapon and is an extremely serious crime.
Although robberies are property crimes, they are also crimes against people. Even in the absence of a weapon, they register as violent crimes.
Robberies can be terrifying and life-threatening situations. Each victim reacts differently to robbery. Remember your reactions are normal, even if you are feeling as if you are the only one who feels this way.
Your reactions can be immediate and short-lived or delayed and long-lasting. The feeling of vulnerability may cause you to feel as if you have lost control over your life. It may feel like you did something wrong even though you didn’t. This may leave you feeling like you contributed to the crime. Losing possessions may cause you to feel grief and sadness.
Red Deer City Victim Services Unit is here to assist you by providing you support, information and community referrals.
Perhaps you’re afraid the robber will return. There might be nightmares or flashbacks related to the robbery. Small noises and abrupt movements may startle you more easily. You may be apprehensive about strangers and crowds. It is possible that you feel angry towards the perpetrator. In addition, you may be angry with the police and the criminal justice system.
You should cope with and resolve your crisis in your own unique way and at your own pace, no matter what your reactions may be. People reassemble their lives differently and within different timeframes. It can be helpful for victims to talk to others about the robbery and their reactions. After talking about the robbery for a while, victims learn to place it in perspective and begin to cope with its implications.
Resources & Services
- After a Robbery
- Crime Prevention: Common Goals (Personal Safety) - Government of Alberta
- Crime Prevention Home - City of Red Deer
- Emotions That Come as a Result of a Robbery
- Personal Reaction to Robbery
- Preventing Violence, Robbery and Theft - Canadian Center for Occupational Health & Safety
- Protecting Your Business Brochure - City of Red Deer
- Working Alone Safely - Guide for Employers & Employees- Government of Alberta
Red Deer City Victim Services Unit
We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way
Red Deer Victims Service Unit