City of Red Deer
Victim Services
Motor Vehicle Collisions
Motor Vehicle Collisions
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is required for every vehicle owner in Alberta. However, some people do not have insurance, and they generally can’t pay for personal injuries or deaths caused by their actions. There are times when the negligent driver flees the scene of an accident, leaving the injured person with no idea who to sue.
Motor Vehicle Claims Program
The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Program was created by the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act. The objective of the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act program is to protect victims injured by unknown or uninsured drivers. A personal injury compensation program assists victims by providing them with a place to pursue fair compensation. These victims often cannot claim damages because the negligent drivers are usually uninsured or unidentified.
Please visit the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General’s Website for complete details.
Red Deer City Victim Services Unit is here to assist you by proving you support, information and community referrals.
Resources & Services
Red Deer City Victim Services Unit
We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way
Red Deer Victim Services Unit