City of Red Deer

Victim Services

Bringing Knowledge & Awareness Regarding Bullying of Older & Younger People

What Is Bullying?

The act of bullying involves the following characteristics: a a conscious, aggressive, deliberate repeated hostility, and a power imbalance with the intent to harm another individual. There are many places where bullying can occur, such as the community, in school, in the park across the street, and in sports teams and clubs.

When a child is bullied for a long period of time, they are more likely to suffer physical, emotional, and psychological scarring that can last a lifetime. Bullying can cause kids to lose confidence, lose sleep, suffer stomach aches, panic attacks, and nightmares. In turn, this causes them to perform poorly at school, possibly narrowing their career options. The constant unrelenting bullying can result in children’s depression and stress, causing them to take their lives.

Bullying can come in various forms, including:

  1. Cyber bullying: using the computer or other technology to harass or threaten
  2. Physical: assault and sexual assault
  3. Social: exclusion from peer groups, ganging up, ridiculing, extortion or stealing of money and possession
  4. Verbal: taunts name calling and put downs, threats and intimidation

Red Deer City Victim Services Unit is here to assist you by proving you support, information and community referrals.

If You Know Someone Who Is Being Bullied or Your Are Being Bullied Please Call:

Kids Help Phone  1-800-668-6868 (Toll Free).

Text CONNECT to 686868 from anywhere in Canada, any time, about anything.
This texting service is free and available across Canada 24/7.

Get Support via Facebook Messenger by clicking here.

Kids Help Phone’s Live Chat counselling service. You may find it easier to express yourself in writing when you have something to say.

Peer-to-Peer Community Support - How about chatting in a safe place with other young people online about your thoughts? Click here.

Crisis responders are available anytime to help with anything. There are many different ways to bully someone including online. Sexting is one of the ways our young people may be bullied and harassed online. Find out what you need to know by clicking on How to Talk to Your Teens About Sexting to see the video. 

Bullying Comes In Many Different Forms

Services, Tools & Support


While being bullied in the school yard still takes place today, bullying now has many more avenues to use in harming people. Teens have access to the world through technology like never before.  They have access to social media such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and more. Newer social media types are emerging all the time. Unfortunately social media and email can be used can be used in a negative way having adverse effects on people especially our youth.

Parenting In a Digital Age

While many young people today have access to smartphones it can be a challenge to safeguard your child from these threats 24/7. You can click on PREVNet to learn what you need to know and what to expect when your child goes online.

Child Fact Sheet

Resources & Services

Workplace Bullying
Bullying in Sports

Red Deer City Victim Services Unit

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Red Deer Victims Service Unit