City of Red Deer

Victim Services

Protecting Vulnerable Adults by Preventing & Reporting Abuse.

Common Types of Abuse

Abuse is a significant issue for people with developmental disabilities. Common types of abuse include:

In the event that you suspect someone is being abused in a publicly funded care facility (like a hospital, lodge, nursing home, mental health facility, shelter, group home, addiction center, etc.), you should consult the Protection for Persons in Care Act.

A primary goal of the Protection for Persons in Care (PPCA) is to protect adults receiving government-funded care or support services from abuse.  The act also requires that abuse be reported to authorities and that independent reviews be performed on those reports.


If you are experiencing any of the reactions mentioned the Red Deer City Victim Services Unit may be able to assist you by proving you information and referrals to community organizations.

If You Suspect Someone Is Being Abused in a Care Facility Please Call:

Protection for Persons in Care Reporting Line:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free: 1-888-357-9339 (in Alberta)
Phone: 780-422-1155 (out of province or country)
Email: [email protected]

This is NOT an emergency number and is open only during office hours. You can leave a message at any time.

Resources & Services

Red Deer City Victim Services Unit

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Red Deer Victim Services Unit