City of Red Deer

Victim Services

Protecting Against Domestic Violence

What Is Clare's Law?

Clare’s Law became law in Alberta on Thursday (April 1) 2020. It is also called the Disclosure to Protect Against Domestic Violence Act.

Anyone at risk, or an individual receiving consent from someone at risk, is entitled to request disclosure of their intimate partner’s history of domestic violence.

Additionally, if the police have reason to suspect that a person may be victimized by an intimate partner, they may disclose that information to the at-risk individual.


Red Deer City Victim Services Unit is here to assist you by proving you support, information and community referrals.

Alberta Provincial Abuse Hotline
For assistance in more than 100 languages from 7:30 am to 8 pm, Monday to Friday.
Call: 1-855-4HELPAB (1-855-443-5722)

How Does Clare's Law Protect Individuals From Abusive Relationships?

Clare’s Law outlines the following:

  1. It is a right of any individual to inquire about a partner’s records or potential partner’s if they are suspicious about them. This information will give them insight into whether this person has a history of domestic violence.
  2. The right to know: The police will now have the legal right to inform people at risk of an individual’s criminal record without their permission. An individual who calls the police to report suspected domestic violence may later receive information that their partner has been abusive.
  3. The right to privacy: With respect to confidentiality safety is paramount, although individuals can be assured that their personal information will be protected and shared only when necessary.

Red Deer City Victim Services Unit

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Red Deer Victim Services Unit