City of Red Deer

Victim Services

Help Stop Human Trafficking

What Is Human Trafficking?

The purpose of human trafficking is to recruit, transport, or confine vulnerable people, normally for sexual or labor purposes to obtain benefits for themselves or for others. Different forms of coercion are used by traffickers to get their victims to comply.

Our awareness of human trafficking has increased in recent years.  Human trafficking may be mistakenly believed to occur only in some other countries or in other parts of Canada.  Human trafficking does happen in Canada, including Alberta.  Canada is not immune from human trafficking. 

Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery.  People may be controlled through threats, force, coercion, or deception inside or outside of an organization for the purpose of exploitation.  Human trafficking encompasses two major types of exploitation – sexual and economic.

People may be trafficked within their own country’s borders or across international borders.

Learn how to identify victims of human trafficking by watching the video below.


Red Deer City Victim Services Unit is here to assist you by proving you support, information and community referrals.

If You or Someone You Know Is a Victim/Survivor of Human Trafficking Call:​

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline: 1.833.900.1010

The Power & Control Wheel

In order to help you understand the different ways an abusive partner can manipulate a relationship, look below at the Power and Control Wheel. You can use it to help victims recognize warning signs within their own relationships.

Red Deer City Victim Services Unit

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Red Deer Victims Service Unit