City of Red Deer

Victim Services

Helping Those Who Have Been a Victim of Identity Theft and Fraud

What Is Identity Theft?

Identity theft occurs when someone steals the information of another person and uses it to commit a crime.  You cannot completely prevent becoming a victim, but you can minimize the risk.


Although there is no typical Canadian fraud victim, research has shown that fraud victims tend to be educated, aware, relatively affluent, and active in their community.

Each year, thousands of Canadians are defrauded.  These scam artists are well-organized and on top of the latest technology.

Reporting Scams and Frauds in Alberta

  • Those who have not lost money, but believe they have been targeted, should contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

  • A suspicious e-mail asking for financial information should be reported to the bank/agency concerned.

  • Contact your local police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre if you are a victim of fraud.


Please contact your bank, credit & debit card, utility, & phone service providers regarding any of your bills.

Please visit The Canadian Anti-fraud Call Center (PhoneBusters) for more information.
If you have been a victim of identity theft or fraud please contact your local police detachment

Red Deer City local complaint line 403.343.5575.

Identity Theft & Fraud Victim Assistance

Resources & Services


Red Deer City Victim Services Unit

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Red Deer Victim Services Unit