city of rED dEER
Following the Laws of Probation
What Is Probation?
After a person has been convicted of an offence, they are given a sentence that requires certain conditions to be followed. A jail sentence or fine can be combined with probation. On probation, the offender will be under supervision. Those who violate probation conditions will face more serious consequences and must return to Court. In the event of a probation violation, a new charge may be filed.
Probation orders may have the following conditions:
- Keep the peace and be of good behavior;
- Appear in court when ordered by the court;
- Tell the court or probation officer about any change of name, address or job.
A probation officer is often required to check in with the offender according to a probation order. A probation officer is not the same as a police officer. If the probation conditions are broken, probation officers may charge the offender with a criminal offence.
The Red Deer Victim Services Unit does not provide assistance for victims facing criminal charges or convictions.
Social Service Agencies
John Howard Society of Red Deer
Phone: 1.403.343.1770
Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton
Phone: 780.421.1175
Resources & Services
Red Deer City Victim Services Unit
We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way
Red Deer Victim Services Unit