City of Red Deer
Victim Services
Provincial & federal Agencies
Provincial & Federal Agencies
Alberta Solicitor General & Public Security
A division of the Provincial government, the Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General is in charge of the justice system including policing, and supports victims of crime.
Alberta Solicitor General & Public Security website has information on Victim of Crime Protocols, Victim Impact Statements, Restitution & Financial Benefits.
Alberta Justice
Alberta Justice and Solicitor General provides phone numbers, addresses and information for the Justice Department. This includes the Provincial Court of Calgary, Edmonton and Other cities in Alberta as well as Maintenance Enforcement, Probation, Service of Documents, Law Information, Family Law, and Court of Queen’s Bench complaints.
They do not provide advice on personal matters.
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (CRCVC) advocates for victims and survivors of serious crime in Canada.
Department of Justice Canada
At the Department of Justice Canada, the Policy Centre for Victim Issues works to give victims a voice in the criminal justice system. To accomplish this, they help victims and their families understand their role in the criminal justice system, the laws, services, and assistance available to them. By including the perspectives of victims in the development of federal legislation and policies, there will be greater awareness within Canada and internationally about the needs of victims of crime.
Red Deer City Victim Services Unit is here to assist you by proving you support, information and community referrals.
Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime
The Federal Ombudsman for Crime Victims Office can provide information about victims’ rights under federal law and services that are available to them, or victims can make a complaint. In addition, the office also communicates important issues and trends to policy makers and other criminal justice officials.
Victim Services Alberta
The Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA) is Canada’s largest, exclusively police-based, victim service association. There are 126 police-based victim service programs operating in Alberta. Through information, support, and community referrals, Alberta’s Police Based Victim Service Programs advocate for and promote the rights and entitlements of crime and trauma victims.
Call Resources
Alberta Justice Information Line: 780.427.2745 or 310.000 (Toll Free)
Canadian Resource Center for Victims of Crime:
613.233.7614 or
1.877.232.2610 (Toll Free)
Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime
1-800-481-8429 (toll free)
Red Deer City Victim Services Unit
We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way
Red Deer Victim Services Unit