City of Red Deer

Victim Services

Dealing With Death From Suicide

A close relative’s death is one of life’s most traumatic events. A death by suicide leaves family and friends grieving as well as confused, angry and hurt at the loss. We each respond differently to the healing process.

To cope with the changes in our lives, we may need assistance. Adapting to change may be difficult for some. Life changes can be difficult to cope with and some people may need help. Mental health ultimately depends on our ability to cope with bereavement effectively. Red Deer Victim Services Unit can provide support and information if someone close to you has just committed suicide.

Click here to contact the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner to obtain an official death certificate or a copy of the medical examiner’s report.

Feelings of grief after a suicide include:

You, a grieving friend or relative may find the following resources helpful in understanding that you are not alone in your struggle and that there is help available during this difficult time.

Red Deer City Victim Services Unit Volunteer Advocates are not counselors but are there to assist in partnership with other agencies in conducting a defusing and/or debriefing(s).

Chief Medical Examiner

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner - Edmonton
Call: 780.427.4987
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner - Calgary
Call: 403.297.8123

Red Deer City Victim Services Unit

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Red Deer Victim Services Unit