City of Red Deer

Victim Services

Helping people cope with family issues and create stronger ties.

Family Support

Families can have conflicts or disagreements if members live together as a unit or if they are in conflict with one another. Family issues are unique to each family, as are the problems they may encounter. Family issues often cause people to come into contact with the Police. The Red Deer Victim Services Unit are here to support you and guide you to local, provincial, and federal agencies that can help.

Aging Loved Ones

Is someone in your family in need of assistance? Do you have an aging loved one for whom you provide primary care?

Below are some websites you might find helpful:

Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)

Family and Community Support Services provides funding to non-profit agencies, school boards and partner municipalities to deliver social services, supports or programs that meet the criteria of the Family and Community Support Services  Act.


The purpose of counseling at Family Services of Central Alberta is to help citizens develop effective coping skills, improve their interpersonal relationships, and gain confidence in the ability to solve future challenges.

Education Program

The Education Program at the Canadian Mental Health Association is designed to promote the mental health and wellness of people with mental illnesses including their family members and friends, service providers or professionals and the community at large.

Our Family Wizard

Our Family Wizard is a comprehensive resource for divorced parents, separated parents, and parents who have never been married. We help in providing visitation and child custody schedules, calendars, parenting plans and other co-parenting tools.

Call Resources

Family and Community Support Services
Call: 403.342.8100
Counselling: 403.343.6400
Education Program: 403.342.2266


Red Deer City Victim Services Unit Volunteer Advocates are not counselors but are there to assist in partnership with other agencies in conducting a defusing and/or debriefing(s).

Legal Advice or Assistance

If you require legal advice or assistance on civil matters, in respect to your family, the following agencies may be of assistance: Family Justice Services,  Family Services of Central Alberta and Resolution & Court Administrative Services.

Family Services of Central Alberta

Families can access resources at the central Alberta resource center. For individuals and couples suffering from grief or loss, the Resource Center offers support, counselling, and play therapy. Furthermore, we offer groups on family life, divorce, active parenting, teen parenting, and prenatal care.

Shared Custody

Through the Safe Visitation Program, children can visit their non custodial parent safely. Through the Monitored Exchange Program, children can transition from one parent to another safely. Visit the Outreach Centre to find out more about these programs and services and how to apply.Outreach Centre – Safe Visitation

Red Deer City Victim Services Unit

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Red Deer Victim Services Unit